Category: Uncategorized

Twiiter Followers Wanted

Since I am always looking for new followers on Twitter, Facebook and whatever else I think might propel this blog into the stratosphere of popularity, I recently signed up for …

Do NOT Leave Crap in My Station

This is a re-post with some added thoughts. I’m tired today so it’s totally half-assed. Sorry. I am moved to write because today some lady threw her baby into a …

Frazzled But Happy Stay-At-Home Mom

Taking a break, so please don’t be bored to death by this tired piece of crap: Heavens to Betsy, I cannot believe how many weeks have passed by since I …

This Law Suit is a Hot Mess

Taking a break for a few days, so this is a tired ass repeat. Thanks. And sorry. I read this week that a couple in Cleveland, TN is suing a …

I Wish I Was on vacation

This is a re-post. I am sick. Like I have the fever and the vomiting and all that lovely crap. So I dragged myself from the couch and took a …


So this post doesn’t have doodly squat to do with waiting tables but it does have to do with bitching and “bitchy” is half my moniker. Maybe some of you …

Dear Bitchy Waiter

I need a break from discussing the new job so let us look into the Bitchy Waiter inbox and see who could benefit from the wisdom amassed from 45 years …