We’re So Dead












Lo and behold, I’m sitting at my laptop to write a new post for this dusty-ass blog. I have really terrific news guys: my movie capital raise has cleared the “test-the-waters” portion of the campaign and is now allowed to go public! And it’s all thanks to you! Honestly, I don’t fully understand the private to the public switch, but I do know it’s awesome and that we did it together!

The last few years have been really hard for servers. Covid took a huge dump on our industry and it’s still not the same, but despite that, y’all reserved spots in the campaign using your hard-earned dollars. You believe in me and that makes me cry happy tears! And if the movie makes money, we ALL make money. It’s like one big office pool, except we’re all rooting for the same outcome and we’re all in the service industry. But we’re not done yet. We need to get to our desired budget in order to get this film to where we all want it to be and we need to reach more potential investors. I owe that to every one of you who has already invested in me; to every one of you who has bet on me. So I have a plan.

For the first twenty days of April my Facebook page and Instagram account will be taken over to promote my movie’s crowdsourcing capital raise. We’re calling it 420 Takeover! I know how you feel. I never wanted to make this page completely about me or my endeavors. Bitchy Waiter is about us and the service industry and all we go through which is why I’m careful to not overshare videos and images of my big pasty face. I’ve been pretty good about that for 14+ years, but can you allow me three weeks to make it a little about me? I mean, it’s still about us. “We’re So Dead” is for the service industry and it’s the service industry that got us past the test-the-waters phase. This is truly a movie that’s FOR the service industry and BY the service industry! Let’s make a great movie FOR US.

Don’t worry, the page will still be fun and I’ll be doing so many games and great contests you’ll still love it. So please follow closely! Then a the end of April, it’s back to what you’re used to: tired old memes and videos about waiting tables!

I hope you will take this ride with me. I’m really excited about it. I started this blog in 2008 and never dreamed it would lead to anything more than a place for me to vent my frustrations about serving. It’s led to so much more: a book, a live show, a social media presence, TV appearances, and now a fucking movie!


  1. Steve Wherler
  2. Steve Wherler
  3. Jagan
  4. Drago Hines

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