Category: Uncategorized

The Argument FOR Separate checks

As a waiter, we all hate the evil that is known as “separate checks.” What people don’t seem to get is that when a party of ten people wants ten …

To Do Or Not To Do, Part Two

Our friendly neighborhood restaurateur, Bruce (of the Douchebags), has graced us with his wisdom once again in the continuation of his list of 100 things a server should never ever …

Burn, Baby Burn

Remember how a few weeks ago I was saying how the new place I work is all fancy and swankified because we have candles? Well, guess what. Candles are annoying. …

Read, People! Just Read!

I want people to take a mother fucking eye exam to sit in my station. Too many times, people claim they can’t read the check or read the menu. They …

Dear Anonymous,

I wanted to thank you for your comment on the last post regarding ice machines. Since you opted to submit your thoughts anonymously, I am forced to thank you publicly. …

The Passion in Her Touch

I was fondled at work this week. Well, sort of. Let us look at this post as a creative writing exercise. I will begin with the story exactly as it …

Good Tip vs. Bad Tip

I was recently asked if I could spot a good tipper from a bad tipper by some waiter vibe that I have honed over my years of service. The answer …