Author: The Bitchy Waiter

I wait tables and bitch about it on my blog, The Bitchy Waiter.

Times is Hard, Sir

I got a job. A one day job. Although it did not involve food service, it did involve a huge helping of humiliation with a side of shame. As you …

Chew Chew Train

Looking for a new restaurant job sucks big hairy donkey balls covered in dingleberries. There, I said it. What especially sucks about it is that you have to expel all …

The Second Interview…

So I went to the second interview for the big corporate restaurant yesterday. It was scheduled for 3:00 but I was at another restaurant at 2:40 waiting to meet with …

15 Minutes or It’s Free!

There are lots of ways that servers can feel demeaned whilst slinging hash. Most of the time these feelings are thrust upon us by the wonderful people who sit in …

The Job Hunt…

I have been doing the job search thing ever since my last restaurant pulled the rug out from under me giving me three days notice before I was unemployed. “Hi, …

Rooty Tooty Fresh and Bitchy

I can’t stand people who order cocktails and ask for a little extra liquor. And then when I give it to them, they act all surprised that I charged them …

Kiss My Grits!!

I am dedicating this post to my favorite television waitress of all time. She is the brilliant and perfectly bitchy, but in a nice way, Florence Jean Castlebury. Better known …

What Not to Wear

Uniforms are a pain in my ass. For most of my illustrious food service career, I have had to wear one. I suppose I don’t mind, because it makes it …