9 Things Every Server Has Done in the Walk-In Cooler


  1. Checked your phone even though you’re not supposed to have it “on the floor.”
  2. Cooled off because the restaurant is so freakin’ hot since every other customer keeps asking for the A/C to be turned off because they’re “freezing.”
  3. Screamed.
  4. Eaten something because you’re working a double and the fucking manager thinks you are a robot who doesn’t need a break to eat or use the restroom.
  5. Hidden from the asshole at Table 10 because sometimes it’s easier to just avoid him.
  6. Pretended you are doing sidework when really you just needed a fucking break.
  7. Noticed something that needed to be cleaned or refilled and then pretended not to notice and walked right back out again.
  8. Slipped on something that some other lazy server probably already saw and pretended not to notice and walked right back out again.
  9. Taken a selfie because the light is really good.walkin



  1. Buffet
  2. Jayford
  3. Amber Lane
  4. Joey B
  5. PNWest
  6. Elisa
  8. Todd
  9. Kathy Bishop
  10. Catbell
    • No Pants
  11. Jamie
  12. vanessa swft
  13. shelly
  14. nico@Rei
  15. Sarah
  16. Bobbie
  17. Mallory
  18. Kathy
  19. Jess
  20. Michael
    • Midwest Jane
    • MoMo
    • Megan
    • Anonymous
  21. meg
    • MLG46
    • JenJen

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