Yes, I Wait Tables. Do You Have a Problem With That?

tablesAccording to the United States Department of Labor, there are approximately 2.5 million waiters and waitresses in this country and I am here to tell every single one of them that it is okay. In our profession, we are often told that some of us are too old to be waiting tables or to “get a real job.” But you know what? No. I refuse to let some people think this job is not worthy of respect. For some of us, waiting tables is a part-time job while others work 60 hours a week. Some of us only do it until we find another job that is more to our liking while others wait tables until our legs are swallowed up in varicose veins and we finally hang up the apron for good. Some of us don’t even begin waiting tables until after we have already had another career and we decide we want something new and different. Do not let anyone make you feel like you should not be a server.

Writing this blog, I have received hundreds and hundreds of messages from people who tell me that customers have made them feel bad about waiting tables. Just yesterday, someone told me that their customer was talking about a recent trip to Hawaii and then said something like, “I know you’re just a waitress” as if a waitress wouldn’t be able to listen to such a story because how on earth would she be able to handle hearing about a place that she will never be able to afford to go to. Or how many times have we been asked if we’re in school, as if the only people who wait tables are ones who are in college? Yes, I waited tables while in college and I also waited tables after I graduated from college. It’s okay to wait table and college has nothing to do with it.

I bitch a lot on this blog. After all, it’s called the Bitchy Waiter. When I started it eight years ago on December 8, 2008, it was just a place for me to vent about the frustrations that come with serving food for a living. Over the years, I have realized that the blog is also a wonderful place to encourage people to be okay with the fact that they wait tables. Our job has a stigma attached to it and I’m tired of it. If you are a server, I want you to embrace it. Accept it. It’s okay to complain about your job because that’s what humans do. It’s a coping mechanism. It’s better to complain about the woman at Table 16 who sent her burger back three times because she ordered it “somewhere between medium and medium-rare but without too much pink, but just a little bit of pink.” Complaining about her on the Internet is better than losing your patience with her, telling her to fuck off and then getting fired. Complaining about your job does not mean you should go get different one. Besides, if all 2.5 million of us suddenly decided to quit, who in the hell is going to bring us our margaritas when we want to go out to dinner?

Every once in a while, it’s good to be be reminded that what we do is a noble profession. Whether you work at Red Lobster, a mom and pop diner, Jean-Georges’ latest hot spot or Chili’s, it’s okay. We are the ones who keep the restaurant industry going and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it. If someone tries to pass judgement on you for being “just a server,” just know that you are the one who will walk out the door with money in your pocket. Take the tip, smile and move on to your next table. And if someone stiffs you, don’t let it bother you. Chances are your next customer is going to make up for it. The best thing about our job is once a horrible customer is out of your section, they are also out of your life.

Keep on waiting tables. And if you need to vent about it, I am always here for you.

Waiting tables also allowed me to write a book about it, so if you like this blog I hope you will click here and consider buying it. It’s cheap, just like bottom-shelf liquor.


  1. Yina
  2. Michiserver
  3. Lisa
  4. Eva
    • Lane McDaniel Jr
      • The Bitchy Waiter
  5. Tracy Fields
  6. Ruben
  7. Deadringer
  8. Jaime
  9. Scott
  10. Tam
  11. Ashlee
    • Tracy Fields
  12. Susannah
  13. Maggie
  14. Sarah Huke
  15. Marc Nadeau
  16. Sharyn
  17. Denise
  18. Brandi
    • Melissa
    • TRACEY
    • Heather
    • Adela pacheco

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