Oh dear readers, maybe you read my last posts here or here, but I have just been so busy lately that there simply has not been time to write again. What with school starting next week for the oldest, I have been up to my eyeballs in preparation. So much to do. And I love it! LOL! Last night was back to school night at the elementary school and hubby and I went there to meet Suzy Lou’s teacher and get her school supply list. Well, the funniest thing happened and you will not believe it. Or maybe you will, LOL. All we knew was that the teacher’s name was Miss O’Brady. I certainly didn’t know her because we were told this was her first year as a teacher at this school. (Someone told me she had been somewhere else last year, but changed schools for some unknown reason.) I dropped hubby off at the front entrance while I found a parking space for the minivan. (yes, I drove so that hubby was able to take a nap. The poor dear works so hard at the office.) When I walked towards Miss O’Brady’s class room, I could hear laughing and joking and I was so eager to join the fun. I walked into the classroom and Miss O’Brady was sitting in hubby’s lap and giggling as he tickled her. She was saying, “Oh Robert, you bad boy, stop it!” When they saw me walk in they both stopped laughing and I must admit I was a little bit confused. Within seconds hubby explained it all to me. It turns out that he used to babysit Miss O’Brady when she was little and they lived in the same neighborhood and they were just reliving the good ol’ days. Isn’t that an amazing coincidence? It’s a small world, after all! I just know that Suzy Lou is going to have the best school year ever since we already have such a wonderful relationship with her teacher. Aren’t I lucky to have such a wonderful husband who maintains friendships from so long ago?? (I love you hubby, if you’re reading this! And if you are reading this, get back to work! JK. LOL!)
I must go now. I have to get to Wal-Mart to buy school supplies and I also need some new Shout stain remover. Hubby came home with lipstick on his collar again last night. Silly man! He’s so clumsy that at least one a week he manages to let that happen. This time, he was helping a lady change her tire on the freeway and when he stopped to help her she hugged him. That must be how it happened. Oh well, at least it wasn’t his fault. He was just helping a damsel in distress. My very own Prince Charming. Last week though, he tripped at the drug store and fell into he makeup counter. Be careful, dear! I love you too much to have you break your neck! LOL!
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Oh Robert! You filthy, disease-ridden, whore of a man, will you never learn?
A Bitch Called Mom
@Experimental Charlie- I concur. ALL of my smoke alarms are in excellent working order.
Experimental Charlie
I going to keep reading your Stay-at-Home Moms(SAHM) stories because I just know in my heart of hearts that you will one day reveal that she's been pulling the wool over her husband's eyes.You don't possibly believe we SAHM let the postman go home unappreciated when we open our doors to left them in, do you? Why do you think the firemen come so often to check on our home's smoke detector alarms?
Heather & Chris
Haha I love these posts!
It's so wonderful to hear from the SaHM again.
Hahahaha… oh lil home executive,I love your blog
Gabriele Agustini
Dear Bitchy,I read your blog daily, as I'm sure everyone here does.You are THE funniest person I semi-know!!I have a blog and I write about a bunch of different stuff like painting on silk, working with clay, etc..But when I write about my kids, or my grandkids making raw-food pies, etc. I sometimes feel a chill run down my body and I think, "Holy Crap! The Bitchy Waiter would totally get in my face if he read this!! "You're one scary dude – even far away! ;)But I love ya to pieces!!!!gabriele
I wonder what this happy housewife is like after a couple of Mexican Martinis and a few hits off the bong? Either way, I bet she'd by a laugh riot!!
I love these "Frazzled But Happy" posts!
The Ranter's Box
Perhaps the Frazzled Mom needs to spend less time trying to emulate Martha Stewart and more time trying to get her groove on. One can only imagine how she will finally react once she cottons on to what is really going on with hubby. Maybe she will feed his balls to him in a lovely casserole!-The Empresshttp://rantersbox.blogspot.com
Mind Of Mine
I am confused, is the signs of your husband cheating, tongue in cheek??
Queen of the Rant
hahahhah please bring the bitchy waiter back
My 2 Cents
Eff just to think that there are some people out there who actually live their lives like this. Blah!
hehehehhe. I just looooooove the little housemaker!
Mary A.
@Mama Sky, the lipstick got on his boxers because he accidentally put that on instead of the jock itch cream he uses! LOL! I swear, if his head wasn't attached! LOL!
Mama Sky
Does she ever wonder how lipstick stains get on his boxers? What is his explanation for that lol. Thanks for the morning smile.http://skyfeathers.blogspot.com
Kalei's Best Friend
NOW, that's truly a great man!… School has already started here in Cali… last Thurs. was the first day of crazy drivers drag racing their tykes to school….