Year: 2015

When Basketball Players Attack

Being a server is not easy. We all know that. And if you have ever had the (dis)pleasure of working someplace that is always crowded with throngs of people milling …

Your Sob Story Is No Good Here, Lady

Last week, I wrote about the first of two odd women who came into the restaurant. This is part two: Within a few minutes of Crazy Mashed Potato Lady weeble-wobbling …

The Crazy Mashed Potato Lady

Maybe there was a full moon or maybe some neighborhood insane asylum left the back door open last week because we had a couple of crazy bitches come into the …

The Worst Tip on God’s Green Earth

There is no server in the world who wants to get a piece of literature expounding the wonders of Eternal Life with Jesus Christ our Savior, especially when that piece …

This Manager Has Officially “Had It”

Anyone who works in a restaurant has to endure the occasional “mandatory meeting” where your manager will gather you all around to discuss the need for arriving to work on …