Year: 2011

They Sang My Tweet!

There is this great Twitter-er out there called @wesingyourtweet. According to their website they are “a social experiment in music. A way to highlight tweets we love from people we …

High Maintenance Table #1

I had my first high maintenance table at my new job recently and you know I have to blog about it. When the group walked in, I was warned by …

Is Porky the Pig a Slut?

As I was walking my dog this morning, I was visually assaulted by an 18-wheeler cruising through my neighborhood. On it was a giant picture of a cartoon pig along …

Twiiter Followers Wanted

Since I am always looking for new followers on Twitter, Facebook and whatever else I think might propel this blog into the stratosphere of popularity, I recently signed up for …

I Dreamed a Dream

All servers have them: those horrible dreams where you are the only waiter in a giant restaurant. Your station goes as far as the eye can see and there is …

I Wanna Be Your Hero

A news article was sent to me praising the actions of a waiter in Atlanta, Georgia who saved the life of a man who was choking on a fucking quesadilla. …

Do NOT Leave Crap in My Station

This is a re-post with some added thoughts. I’m tired today so it’s totally half-assed. Sorry. I am moved to write because today some lady threw her baby into a …

What Evil Lurks Among Us?

There are many dangers lurking in a restaurant. Something as simple as a melted ice cube on a tile floor can be almost deadly if it makes contact with the …

The Laziest Girl in Town

Have you ever heard of that song called “The Laziest Girl in Town?” It’s a classic that has been sung by everyone from Nina Simone to Marlene Dietrich to Dolly …