Year: 2011

Don’t Touch Me

I was touched inappropriately at work last night and I am not talking in a good way. It was a very busy night and I was making the rounds to …

The Comeback (To Work)

I have been released from the hounds of fury who hath come upon me and swaddled me in their sickness and filth. After three days of a stomach virus the …

Fuck Cupid

Valentine’s weekend has arrived, so dust of your single red roses and chocolate candy in the heart box. I have been invited to participate in a Valentine’s Day Round Robin …

I Wish I Was on vacation

This is a re-post. I am sick. Like I have the fever and the vomiting and all that lovely crap. So I dragged myself from the couch and took a …

We Have a Winner!

After literally minutes and minutes of tabulating the dozens of votes, a winner has been determined for the International Pity-Bait Day. Striking just the right chord of ambiguity, humor and …

Hello Sir…Or Madam…Or…Uh…

Remember that character from Saturday Night Live that was named Pat? No one was ever sure if it was a guy or a girl and every sketch was about people …

Dear Bitchy Waiter

It has been far too long since I have answered a question but today is the day. Also, since it’s Super Bowl Sunday, I know that nobody is reading this …

I Wanna be a Wino

It has been well established that I am a big fan of the cocktail. Why just last night I decided that I would ignore my hacking cough, post nasal drip …