Month: September 2010

Dancing With The Bitchy Waiter

I can’t write today because I picked up this really odd job for three days where I will be selling really expensive jewelry at a convention center. God bless Craigslist. …

Get That Shit Outta My Way

Speaking of things getting in your way, what is it with people who bring impossibly awkward items into a restaurant and then demanding that we find a place to put …

Move. Move. Moooooove!

I grew up in the country and often saw cows walking down the road with blatant disregard for the cars that were trying to pass them. One morning on my …

Bitchy Waiter Necklaces For Sale

There is some new Bitchy Waiter necklaces up for sale on my Etsy page. Take a peek. See if you like anything. And if you don’t like them, you don’t …

What Would You Like to Drink?

You know I work in a music venue where everyone is required to have two drinks while there for the performance, right? And most people understand that and are fine …

Have a Coke and a Smile

Coke is the real thing, right? People love their Coca-Cola but every restaurant has to make a choice if they will be serving Coke products or Pepsi products. Most people …

Dear Bitchy Waiter

Dear Bitchy Waiter,I am sixteen weeks pregnant and couldn’t be happier. Well, except for one thing…I never realized how rude people really are. I was raised to believe if you …

I ♥ Vegetarians, Part 2

Since I pissed of so many vegetarians a few weeks ago, I thought I would offer this video as an apology. I will be going to dinner tonight at a …

Patio A Go-Go

Sorry about this re-post, but I am actually out looking for a job today. And since writing this blog does not pay, I have to set my priorities. Of course, …