Month: September 2010

Oh, Shit

Fact: someone recently told me that they went into the bathroom of the restaurant they worked at in order to give it the cursory check. When emptying the trash can, …

Thank You For Being a Friend

One of the best things about working in a restaurant is usually the people you work with. Granted there are always a few folks who you could do without, but …

Sorry, We’re Out of That

Someone sent me a picture last week (Theresa, maybe? Thank you.) and it jogged my memory of some bitch in my station years ago. Sometimes restaurants run out of things. …

Dear Bitchy Waiter

Dear Bitchy Waiter, I am an 18 year old girl who is just starting college and am thinking about getting a part time job as a waitress. All my friends …

The Hospitality Job Hunt Resumes

I am on the prowl for a new job. Catering season is upon us and I want a piece of that pie so I have been submitting my resume to …

Did AT&T Just Insult Me?

There is a television commercial out there that pretty much just confirms what we all know already: waiting tables sucks ass. It’s an ad for AT&T and they say every …

Happy Labor Day

It’s Labor Day! A day that we honor our country’s work force and who has to go to work today? Service industry folks like us servers, that’s who. I saw …

Jet Blue Guy is Fired

Sad news for Steven Slater, the waitress of the sky. He has been officially fired from Jet Blue. The horror of firing someone on Labor Day weekend. Sure, we all …