7 Things Smart Servers Don’t Do

When you have waited tables as long as I have, you learn a few things other than how to rattle off the names of ten draft beers and seven salad dressings. There is a strong learning curve when it comes to serving and very often we are only told what we should do in order to be a good server. However, this is a list of things that smart servers don’t do and I think it can help us all lead better lives as we take orders and wear aprons.

Smart servers don’t:

  1. Let their customers make them cry. It’s not worth it. A horrible customer is only in your life for 45 minutes and after they leave, you will probably never have to see them again. We can’t control their behavior, but we can control how we react to it. Let them be assholes and get out of your section as quickly as possible. The last time I let a customer make me cry was in November of 2011 and after it happened, I thought “never again.”
  2. Have their Facebook profile public or have their job listed on it. Don’t do it. The last thing you need is for some vengeful customer who was upset that they didn’t get enough tater tots to look you up on the Internet. If your place of business is listed on your profile then you have to watch what you say about your bad day at work. Lock down your profile and rest easy.
  3. Disrespect the kitchen or BOH. Let’s be honest, the kitchen staff can make your life a living hell. They are working hard for an hourly wage and when the place is slammed and we are making more in tips, they aren’t. Ask them if they need anything to drink, be patient when your ticket times are slow and always say please and thank you. Treat them the same way you would want your customers to treat you.
  4. Adjust credit cards tips. That’s called credit card fraud and not only might you lose your job if you do it, you could also go to jail. It may be tempting to write in another total on the the tip line, but no good is going to come of it. A customer is going to notice that instead of $18 their statement says $28. Is your job and freedom worth an extra ten bucks?
  5. Sleep with a co-worker. It never works out and then you have to spend the rest of your time at the restaurant trying to avoid each other on the schedule. Sleep with someone from the restaurant next door. Nobody at your job wants to hear about how great your relationship is with a co-worker and then have to later hear about what an asshole they are. Look elsewhere.
  6. Worry about their job after they punch out. One of the best things about waiting tables is that we don’t have to take our work home with us. Other than the occasional afterthought of a forgotten side of mayonnaise, our job is one we can leave behind when we leave the restaurant. As for the server nightmares we all have, well, that’s our subconscious and we can’t do anything about that.
  7. Question a bad tip. If you get a crap tip, accept it. Confronting a customer isn’t going to make them suddenly reach into their pocket and hand you another ten dollars. it’s only going to get you in trouble. For every bad tip, there are two good ones in your future.

And finally, one things smart servers should do:

Click here to buy my book on Amazon. It’s called the Bitchy Waiter and I think you will love it.


  1. Carol
  2. Amy
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  3. Peter
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  5. Sage
  6. Dee
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