Month: January 2011

A Comment on Comments

A recent post about tipping out generated over 50 comments. It was a real shit show. Of all the comments, one stood out to me and it needed to be …

Life Behind Bars. And an Apron.

I was stabbed in the heart on Tuesday. Okay, not literally, but figuratively I was stabbed in the heart on Tuesday. With words. Words came from the mouth of a …

I ♥ Rusty Nails

(This posting will have no mention of spooge. Just sayin‘.) As always, I am looking for a new job. Yesterday I put on my snow boots and went tromping through …

More Tequila Please

Some people have no idea that they are full blown annoying. They think just because they say “please” and “thank you” it makes it alright that they have way too …


So this post doesn’t have doodly squat to do with waiting tables but it does have to do with bitching and “bitchy” is half my moniker. Maybe some of you …

The Best Damn Hamburger. Ever.

If you live in New York City, you have probably been to the Shake Shack. If you have never been there, you have at least heard of it. It’s a …

Chick-fil-A Can Eat Me

Yesterday’s post, “Chick-Fil-A a Big Ol’ Homophobe?” ruffled a lot of feathers and today I have learned that the company has removed their logo from the banners advertising “The Art …

Chick-Fil-A a Big Ol’ Homophobe?

It’s no secret that I have professed my love for all things Chick-Fil-A. I grew up in the south so a trip to the mall was not complete without getting …