Month: January 2011

Get Your Own Damn Coat, Lazy Lady

Last night at work was exceptionally busy. The show had about 102 people in the audience meaning all 102 of them were sat at the same time and each needed …

Hair on Fire

Working in the world of restaurants and catering, there are always candles around. And when there are candles around, it is only a matter of time before some bitch catches …

Cook Puts Pubic Hair in Sandwich

Perusing the great wide Internet web of technology this morning, I happened upon a story that caught my eye because it is something we have all thought about doing. (Or …

Rock Me Like a Hurricane

I have been distributing resumes for the last week or so on the prowl for that illusive thing known as “a new job.” I got a call yesterday for an …

Frazzled But Happy Stay-at-Home Mom

Heavens to Betsy, I cannot believe how many weeks have passed by since I have had a moment to sit down and write. I guess with all the craziness of …

Who Doesn’t Want an Award?

Tonight, your television will be spitting out The Golden Globes. In celebration of this night of giving out trophies, may I make an appeal? Some of you may have noticed …

A Burger With a Side of Gold, Please

Now you know I loves me a good hamburger. What’s not to love? Juicy ground beef slapped onto a piece of enriched white bun with some melted cheese all up …