New News in the Old Court

In an effort to make this blog more than just me bitching and bitching about the bitches and the bitchy ass things they do, I thought I would scour the internets and find some very important news shit to share with you folks. I dunno, is this totally lame? This site needs something to stir it up. Contests! Prizes! More daily updates! Naked ladies! Seriously though, your feedback can help me take this blog to the next level: from really lame to just kinda lame. Let me know your thoughts and what you like most and least about this site. Email me here with any ideas you might have. Plus when I get a lot of emails, it gives me something to do at work.


The Bitchy Waiter

There might be some dirty ass eggs out there still.

This food is way overpriced. I want to wait tables there.

No fucking substitutions, bitch.

Finally, a salad I want to eat. Deep fried.

Some waiters aspire to greatness. Others aspire to do this.

I need to work here so no one sees my thumb in their pasta.

Old news. Someone harassed a waitress…


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