Month: February 2011

This Law Suit is a Hot Mess

Taking a break for a few days, so this is a tired ass repeat. Thanks. And sorry. I read this week that a couple in Cleveland, TN is suing a …

My Thoughts on the Toilet

Can we talk about restrooms? Specifically, public restrooms? First off, I don’t know why we call them “rest” rooms since there is very little rest that happens inside one. Trying …

This Is Horrible News

This week at work I was dealt a blow that I may never recover from. My life blood was essentially drained from my veins. The teat that I suckle was …

Put a Spork In It

You know I love it when I can put a customer in his place. Like when they are arguing that the menu says one thing when I know good and …

Valentine’s Day Advice for Men

Today is the day we think it’s okay to eat sixteen ounces of chocolate from Walgreen’s. It’s February 14th and Valentine’s Day. Thankfully, I am not working in a restaurant …

Don’t Touch Me

I was touched inappropriately at work last night and I am not talking in a good way. It was a very busy night and I was making the rounds to …

The Comeback (To Work)

I have been released from the hounds of fury who hath come upon me and swaddled me in their sickness and filth. After three days of a stomach virus the …

Fuck Cupid

Valentine’s weekend has arrived, so dust of your single red roses and chocolate candy in the heart box. I have been invited to participate in a Valentine’s Day Round Robin …

I Wish I Was on vacation

This is a re-post. I am sick. Like I have the fever and the vomiting and all that lovely crap. So I dragged myself from the couch and took a …