Rise and Shine, Bitchy Waiter

Oh it’s so early for me to be up. How do people wake up at the crack of ass to serve breakfast? Not being a morning person (or afternoon person and not so much of a night person either) getting up before 7:30 AM is one tough cookie. My alarm went off this morrow at precisely 7:30 AM so that I could get to my job o’ the day which is selling jewelry at a Gift Fair. (Don’t ask, but I will be selling pottery for the next four days…). When I venture out my door at this ungodly hour what shall I see? Milkmen and paper delivery boys? Roosters walking around saying, “cock a doodle doo, bitch, it’s early” and farmers off to milk cows? Will the air be fresher as the gentle fresh breeze of the new day whispers sweet nothings to me? Will I finally meet the morning shift of homeless people? Will I get a seat on the goddamn 7 train? I dunno what the world is like at this time.

I lived with a friend (hey Kimmy!) who used to serve the early breakfast shift every day. She rolled her ass outta bed at something like 4:30 every morning. The only good thing about it was she was done with work at 11:00 right when I was waking up and it always made me so jealous. And then the tables turned around at night when it was only 8:00 and she was having to go to bed before Melrose Place (the original one with Dr. Kimberly Shaw) even started. Life ain’t easy for us mornin’ risers. It just ain’t. And what time did you get your ass up today?


  1. G

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