Frazzled But Happy Stay-at-Home Mom

Several weeks ago on a post about comments someone suggested that I “grow up, have a family and write about something that matters.” I wrote about The Frazzled But Happy Stay-at-Home Mom and I got a real kick out of it. Since I am not waiting tables right now (full time actor, you know…) I thought it would be a good time to have entry #2 from that adorable housewife.

Heavens to Betsy, dear readers! This day has been full of surprises and I am so behind on my housework that I shouldn’t be writing at all today, but I couldn’t resist so here I am. LOL. I awoke this morning at 4:52 (a whole eight minutes before my alarm was set to go off!) to Suzy Lou climbing into bed with me because she had a bad dream. Or as she says it, “bad dweam” which sounds so cute that it brings tears to my eyes. Thank goodness last night was not a night that Hubby shares a bed with me or he would have been so cross if he would have woken up three hours before he needed to. He was in his bedroom/office/study/man cave and sound asleep. (Note to self: I must remind him to give me a key to that door today because I have not dusted in there for days and days and he probably has clothes all over the place that need washing.) I asked Suzy Lou what her “dweam” (LOL) was about and she said she only remembered that it was about her being in ballet class without her tutu and all the other little girls were making fun of her. How horrible for her, poor dear. I dreamed once that I was at the grocery store looking through my coupon wallet when I realized that I was in nothing but my slip and pantyhose and my hair was in curlers! It was awful and I woke up embarrassed. I tucked Suzy Lou into bed with me and the little angel was asleep within two minutes. I got up at 5:00, grabbed my list of chores and got to work. After ironing Hubby’s clothes (I love you, Sweetie if ur reading this, LOL), making his lunch, baking bread for his breakfast toast, and picking blueberries for his oatmeal, it was time to take a bath, set my hair and do my make up so that by the time he woke up at 8:00 I looked like how he likes to see me: fresh and clean and as pretty as the day we met. (By the way, have I told you that story before?? He saw me in a beauty contest he was judging for and asked me on a date the day after I got second place. The girl who won first was named Veronica. She went out on one date with Hubby the night before the beauty contest. She was very popular. She went out on one date with each of the three judges but I guess things didn’t work out for her, because one date was all she ever got with each of them. And they all took her to a drive-in movie to see the same movie three nights in a row! Hubby still sees her once a week because she has had a hard life and he feels like he can give her good advice. Isn’t he the bestest?? So sweet and giving. I wuv you! She may have won the beauty contest but I won my Husband! LOL.)

Oh dear, look how much time I spent writing about Hubby when I meant to be telling you all about how my washer broke down today and I had to wash everything by hand in the sink. My poor hands, LOL!! Never fear though. I will make sure I put Vaseline on them tonight and sleep with gloves on so that by tomorrow when it’s time to give Hubby his weekly massage, my hands will be just as soft as a baby’s bottom. The last time that my hands were too rough he took away half my allowance. I didn’t know how I was going to pay for groceries that week but I dipped into my secret stash of dollars that I keep in the cookie jar on top of the refrigerator. (Don’t read that, Hubby, okay? LOL. I wuv you so so much. And if you are reading this please tell Veronica that I said hello when you see her tonight and I hope things pick up for her, the poor thing. And I won’t wait up.)

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