Month: February 2010

I Can’t Belive It’s Not Butter

When we start a new job, we always find ourselves full of uncertainty and nerves. We worry about whether or not people will like us and will our co-workers be …

Snow Day

There is a fucking blizzard going on outside my apartment right now and people across the eastern seaboard are celebrating the wonder that is Mother Nature. That bitch done graced …

Let Them Eat Steak

There is a hierarchy in the world of waiting tables. The longer you are at a place, the higher up the proverbial totem pole you go. As with all jobs, …

Pass the Syrup

We all know that I can’t stand stupid ass people in my station. I just don’t deal well with stupidity and that ain’t easy because in a restaurant you get …

Working For the Weekend

It’s the weekend. Those two glorious days where we don’t have to go to work and all we do is sleep late and have brunch and go to parties. Isn’t …

Dear Bitchy Waiter,

Someone posted something the other day (shout out to Rebecca) that made me remember an event that happened years ago. She was mentioning that age old custom of giving your …

No Food Service For Four Days

<!–google_ad_client = “pub-9950263112493640”;/* 468×15, created 2/3/10 */google_ad_slot = “7540847711”;google_ad_width = 468;google_ad_height = 15;//–> <script type="text/javascript"src=””> I am on a blessedly wonderful reprieve from carrying trays of food and drinks to …

How To Call a Waiter

Wanna know how to get the attention of your server? There are a lot of ways to do it and I want to make sure that people know the right …