Month: March 2010

It’s an Art

From reading my blog, some people may gain the impression that I am ashamed of what I do for a living. Is it my ideal profession of choice? Fuck no. …

R.I.P. Ethel A. Smith

Is it creepy to let you know that I was reading the obituaries the other day? It’s not a regular kind of habit or anything that I have to sit …

Must. Eat. Pie.

Does anyone else have their foot in their mouth so often that you have grown accustomed to the taste? Do you look at your toes as appetizers and your feet …

Move, People, Move

Why can’t people move the hell out of my way? Last night at work, the show had more performers than there were audience members. There were about 525,600 singers and …

Smile, Darn Ya, Smile

On those days here in New York City where it’s sunny and mild and the birds are singing and the daffodils are blooming, it sure makes it hard to drag …

Je Suis Un Bitch

Sometimes a blog posting is hard to come up with. I scratch my head and ponder the possibilities and every so often I draw a blank. On the other hand, …

Write a Caption

Okay, so I am on my way to work this morning and thought I would try something new for the posting today. I am going to post this picture and …

Oh No He Di’nt

I have slowed down in my postings because I refuse to write unless I have something really worthwhile to say. I suppose I could type up some mundane crap every …