Okay, prepare yourselves for the most atrocious act I have ever seen or heard of a server doing. Many, many people sent this video to me and I originally decided not to share it because, quite frankly, it’s disgusting and I didn’t want to give the general public any more reason to think that we servers are lowlife scum bags. However, after seeing how many people had already shared it, I figured why not?
While I 100% do not condone this behavior even in the slightest, I must admit that it’s rather fascinating to watch how far a server will go just to get revenge on a customer. Or at least I assume it’s revenge. I mean, what does a customer have to say to a waitress that will make her angry enough to shove a processed meat stick up her Fetus Flap?
If you are ever upset enough with a customer that you feel the need to shove food up your own body before serving that food, let me give you some advice: don’t fucking do that! It’s not worth it. No matter how awful the customer is to you, they will be out of your life within an hour. Please, for the sake of the hot dog and your own vagina, don’t do it. If that isn’t enough, just remember that every time you put a hot dog up your Sausage Wallet, you’re tarnishing the reputation of every other server in the world.
Also, to that guy in the blue shirt: you just barely missed the show of a lifetime.
Obviously this can lead to tons of health problems, to learn more about the health problems that can develop from stuff like this, check out CPOE.org.
Minty Pylon
Oh Lordy ! I would have paid extra $$
Looks tasty and the aroma must have been incredible this seems a must for me please someone tell me where this is and i will give a review on taste
Eat out to help out now , she was sooo forward thinking ?
If you order a hotdog at a restaurant you’re a psychopath anyway
The was my hot dog and that waitress is my girlfriend. She got talked in to a double shift, 12 hours. I simply asked her to do this for me so I could taste her until she got off work. I love my girlfriend! She is such a freak!
revenge, riiiiiiight
humans are perverts lady, me thinks she was doing this for pleasure, not pain
Alexis Miyamoto
Sometimes the microwave doesn’t work, so you have to be creative and solve the problem… I’m pretty sure the customer enjoy his order.
Chubby Frank
I’d like to slip that waitress my hot dog …
N why not!? Simple, organic.. Personally, I wouldn’t care. N who would know? Hot dogs r nasty .. Smile
BIG moe
I’ve never been here but after the comment section, I love this site. Even the OP has a sense of humor.
I worked for a chain Restaurant, back in the 90’s. One of the male Servers had the honor to wait on a Judge that he had encountered in court for DWI. The Judge ordered a Dirty Martini. He decided to make it really dirty. He snuck the Martini into the walk-in cooler, dropped his pants and dipped his ball sack in it. Never thought I would see something beat that. This did.
Looks to me that the chick was enjoying the in & out movement of the wiener. She didn’t have time to finish the deed due to other people & locale. She was horny & needed a quick touch. Nothing to indicate she was mad at anyone. I have had spur of the moment horniness but I went to the restroom.
David Holmes
Give me the hot dog shoved up the Waitresses cunt till I can’t cum anymore
Hot Doggy
Nobody is concerned about the poor hotdog! That poor hotdog! Sad very sad…
I’d like to order the specialty personally rewarmed frank, no sauce please.
Customer says, ” I don’t remember ordering fish-sauce on my hot dog”…
Carter James
I’m a regular at a certain restaurant and I usually get away without paying, if this happened to me it wouldn’t be due to revenge…. Maybe this was a “treat” for the customer she may have known personally.
I was thinking the same thing. I thought her doing that was hot.
I was thinking the same thing as Carter James. I thought her doing that was hot.
This pretty much only effects a holes. I’m not a server any more but I grew up in the restaurant biz and even though I personally wouldn’t do anything to someone’s food I understand the issue. Treat a server like shit and it might just be the last straw for them. The person that ate that hotdog should feel lucky that it was just the front hole. On the other hand in my experience the only people that order an plain dog or just ketchup are children. So that would make it extra f’d up.
wayne colaprete
Or maybe the customer had a fettish and she gave him what he wanted u never know he might of been hankering. For a tuna dog
Buyer gujjg
That’s hot
Seven Costanza
Notice that all the girl’s’s say, “that’s disgusting”, and all the guys say, “thats hot”, or some derivative there of.
gilrs…..we don’t care about the “disgusting” we just want your p na na
Absolutely DISGUSTING! Special request or not, this is Gross. Even if it was a special request, just lie. The person ordering it obviously couldn’t see her, so JUST LIE! “Yes sir, I did put your hotdog in my vagina.” Oh you’re welcome……. It was my pleasure?”. Lol. That simple.
Cool I bet the restaurant full all the time now
What if her bf/gf came in and just asked for something a little extra special ?
The Bitter Bistro
Seems like she was doing it for the camera. And it brings to life the saying, “her vagina was so big, having sex with her was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.”
Haha I used to work at a movie theater and there was a legend of someone who put his pubes in someone’s popcorn, pissed in the ice machine, and told a customer that she was a fat bitch whose husband was cheating on her.
“Sausage wallet”
This is hot
Stupid girl. If in fact this is real and she is in the Food/Beverage Service Industry and this wasn’t a “special request ” as someone suggested. Then why would she do this for little to no tip?
Some girls at clubs/parties get quite a hefty tip for “special requests” involving food and other assorted foreign objects.
Poor thing, must take her forever to go grocery shopping. Hmm I wonder does she start in the deli department or just go straight to fruit and veggies? Probably banned from the pet stores by now. Nasty thing!
What? Dude probably offered her a big tip for that…
Ray Guthrie
This whole act is disgusting. But the most disturbing part is that she didn’t wash her hands before grabbing that ketchup bottle! Ugh! The next server that touches that, is also touching her va-jay-jay!
Ken Carrillo
Staged!!…The hotdog couldn’t have been very hot.. That hotdog got more than most of the guys lately!
maybe I’m just my own individual, but that shit might be cool if (& only if) 2 requirements can be met… 1.) she must be HOTT & 2.) I have to watch her do it.
I learned a new euphemism for the Love Canal today. Fetus Flap never crossed my radar before today. And yes I better hope this was fake–or unless the customer wanted his hot dog with anchovies but they didn’t have any in the kitchen… ???
But like, what if it’s not revenge? What if it’s a weird kink she’s into? Or is the customer is into it?! Offered an extra large tip.
That being said, this is gross. Processes meat doesn’t not belong anywhere near your ladyboard.
How am I just now discovering this site lololol
Brilliant- The VaJJ Cafe. Special orders don’t upset us. Reminds me of eating at the Y.
This is absolutely disgusting & she is nasty. Restaurants need to ween these trash bags out of their staff. She is unstable.
I understand being upset at guests. Hell i recently lost all my shifts because this one scam artist was upset i charged her 2$ for extra bread she ordered. But this goes way way to far!!!
I get wanting everyone to be happy but when does enough become enough? And why dont the managers ever believe our side of the story, especially when there is plenty of evidence?!?
Well that makes me not want to go to any resturants. I’m always friendly to the waitstaff and we tip more then what the % average is (we have 3 kids so we try to make sure our waitstaff knows we appreciate what they do) just eeww and eeww
Uh-oh, Bitch, be careful! You’re making people become bad tippers!!!…
bwah-ha-ha-ha!!!!!! Roffl!!!!
WOW! I hope this is fake. As a server working with 50+ other servers I have NEVER witnessed food tampering. I’ve had my share of crap guests but never thought to actually do anything to their food. At most I give service at a pace the bad behaving guest deserves. Agreed that this sicko gives us a bad rep. Hope she’s banded from ever working with food again.
Dalek jax
How can it be fake we all seen it. So it’s real ok
I have to absolutely believe this is 100% fake. Only because the guy literally comes back as she is done, and there is no one else around. Also she turns right to the camera to do it, if you work in a restaurant with cameras you have to know where all the cameras are. Lastly if the only person watching the cameras the owner of the establishment why on earth would they release it and put it up on whatever site this got released on. Also as a server I’d probably tell a customer to fuck off before I shoved a hot dog up my v piece in an open space where people can walk by
Chickie Eats It All
Totally agree that this cannnnnnot be real. At least I’m hoping it’s not.
A big place it looks like and I can’t believe that no one in a place that size did not see what she was doing. Especially if the place is open and a dish to be served indicates open for business. I’ve worked in food service my entire life and never seen a kitchen of that size empty enough for this to happen. At the least the cooks are right on the other side of where she was doing this crap. Sad thing is that half the posts about this all come down to tips. Stop using tips as the excuse. Again I worked all my life in food service and tips are great but not mandatory. Tips are given to you for a good job done. That’s where the problem is in the restaurant business. Servers take the job for the tips and truly believe if you don’t tip you’re a cheap ass. They believe that no matter how bad the food or service is, that they still deserve a great tip. Not the case. I as a service person also work hard for thrips but if I give bad service, I don’t expect a good tip if any at al. And then y’all cry about only making $3 hr? Work harder and be nice and you shall be rewarded. Half of them could care less about the customer.
Precisely. Every person who actually serves knows that this isn’t real. We spend 80 percent of our shift hiding in blind spots. And there would be a hell of a lot more traffic in the kitchen to have all that time to do this. With that said, this is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen happen in a kitchen. I’ve never understood why tampering with food makes people feel like they got justice of some sort.
I agree…. 100% fake!!! Every single reason you stated is completely true!
Herpe dog coming right up!
Rebecca hoover
I hope she was fired. That’s even criminal, what the hell’s wrong with people?!
YOU??? You and all the morons who post so much stupid crap on this site and your facebook page??? Concerned about “tarnishing the reputation of every other server in the world”???? You have taken care of that long before this ever came up. There are many big tippers who no longer are just because you have revealed what type of people (apparently) most servers are! Who cares if you don’t earn enough to make a living…we don’t want our hard earned money going to such losers. You are cutting your own throat.
The Bitchy Waiter
Fuck off. But thank you for the click. $$$.
Dalek jax
Well she probably. Loved. It. , do they do that in all. Restaunts ??? How cool ,:-)
Lolol!!! Love your responses. And that “person” was an idiot. I’m a server/bartender on medical leave (yeah cancer), but I follow ALL HEALTH CODES, thank you very much. I’ve been a cook as well. I never saw anything torrid happen to the clientele’s food. This nasty thing needs to get the fuck out of restaurants. If you can’t control your temper, you DO NOT belong in good service! ???
Lolol!!! Love your responses. And that “person” was an idiot. I’m a server/bartender on medical leave (yeah cancer), but I follow ALL HEALTH CODES, thank you very much. I’ve been a cook as well. I never saw anything torrid happen to the clientele’s food. This nasty thing needs to get the fuck out of restaurants. If you can’t control your temper, you DO NOT belong in food service! ???
William williams
I’d like to give.you the hot dog.
Brianne, have you ever thought of the cold cuts when serving a hot guy? I think I should make a survey…..if you see someone hot who your waiting on, do you a) flirt casually. B) think of ways to get their number. C) act like you don’t care. D) find ways to molest their food to show them you can be serious with desire and sexuality.
2. If you can’t wait to get off before getting off, do you. A) go to the bathroom. B) go to your car. C) ask someone you work with to help out. D) try to screw the next hot person who walks through the door. Or e) all the above because your secretly a pornstar or sex addict and can’t stop thinking about sex since the kitchen is a reminder of all things sex? Mmmhhh cucumbers, ahh avocado, ohh papaya and melons….I need to go to the bathroom! Lol
$$$ taker
Ad block makes that $$$ go bye bye
60 years I’ve been a chef and that is nothing seen far worse done than a little quim juice on a meat bag I’ve seen chef’s make shit gravy and piss custard and much much moor the sad thing is it goes on in far more places than you think from fast food to 5 star restaurants and its not always the servers more often its kitchen staff i have lost count of the people i have had to sack or council on there behaviour to customers and even other staff over the years BUT be aware customers while the staff may have behaved badly the customers who i have seen this kind of thing happen to behaved far far worse and so many do it just to be big men or women in-front of there friends and family there comes a time when customers should expect that there bad behaviour will result in them being removed from the premises and banned for life i have always held that be-leaf and have personally removed more than one bad customer from my restaurants
Stephanie Jo
There is a big difference between venting about customers and the sometimes douchy things they do and condoning food tampering. I read Bitchy Waiter’s blog all the time and never once have I seen him condone or encourage food tampering. If you can draw any conclusion from reading BW’s blog, it is that (surprise!) servers are human just like everyone else! They are people who are trying to make a po paycheck and survive in this world like everyone else. They have feelings and sometimes people don’t take that into consideration. If the realization that your server is in fact human and isn’t always really as happy as he or she pretends to be (that’s part of their job ya know) makes you angry and causes you to not want to tip them then perhaps you are one of those douchy customers and if a service isn’t worth paying for, it must not be worth having so you should probably keep your douchy ass at home.
So true customers take advantage of customers, being a black man a shame black women are the worst consumers they definitely have a chip on there shoulder & very rude & challenge you knowing you can’t & if so it will lead to firing because server jobs are looked at as low paying jobs but in the right situation where it’s good clientele u can make $1000 a week after taxes definitely not where blacks reside though they typically tip around 5-10 % Hispanics (surprisingly)15-20% caucasiins15-25 %
Poops take advantage of servers
Some people just say the most ignorant things. Perhaps you don’t wait on blacks and Hispanic the same as you do your own people. Perhaps they can see in your demeaner ( character) that you don’t won’t to wait on them. You earn tips, you aren’t entitled to them. I am black and I give great tips, sometimes almost more than the meals. If the waitress is nice friendly and serve me properly I love blessing them. Evidently you have a terrible attitude. Try reevaluating yourself, take inventory and you may do better
Big L
That’s suxh a stereotype, you my friend are not black. If you were you would know most Black people over tip because of this lie. I go out with my friends on average a party of about four of us when we leave the tip is rarely less than $30 to the point where the servers just about know our order and if theres a new server the other staff will come over and introduce them/ check them to let them know who we are ( we are not cops ) . So that my friend is a lame/pathetic comment which is based on stereotypes.
Do I have to tip extra for this? Or, excuse me waitress, but I’d like my dog with an extra dip of sweet and sour! Maybe her and the guy she served have a thing going, I mean I think I was able to make out the note on the napkin and it says, “I made your free meal with extra love, now I’ll be inside you like you were in me,”. Ps, I’m pregnant! Xoxo….
People will invent every single excuse just to justify their cheap asses. “There are many big tippers who no longer are…”… LOL.
I hope the yeast infection was worth it to this sick chick.
I don’t think you were ever a “big tipper”, at best the width of that hot dog….also, did occur to anyone besides me that this may have been a special request?
Ya I thought that was a possibility!!
Because only people who aren’t servers work hard for their money. Fuck outta here ?
Gonna have to come up with a better excuse for being a cheap douche.
Someone’s mad.
dave rodgers
load of shit if she said sir do you want to see me put that up my pussy youd come in your pants you fucking enjoyed it
She needs to be fired and sued
Looks like we found the woman that put the hotdog in her.
Must have been a very tasty hotdog!!
Don’t think this applies to most servers but it surely must make you feel better about tipping like the cheap asshole I’m sure you are.