Month: February 2011

Waiter in Training

Training for a new restaurant job sucks ass. It just does. Especially when you have been a hash-slinging waitress for as long as I have. I feel like I have …

One Stinky Lady at Table 3

In keeping with my pledge to refer to certain customers as characters from 1970’s and 1980’s television shows, I would like to discuss one “Mary Ann” who comes in on …

Who Really Gives A Crap?

Sometimes it’s not easy to think of something to write about and then lo and behold, I look in my inbox and someone has sent me a story that cries …

Thou Shall Not Blog (Just Kidding)

You may recall that I was hoping to start a new job soon. Well, I did a few of weeks ago and I am being very careful about blogging because …

I Confess: I Am a Pig

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Why is it that every time I go to Texas, I fall back into my old habit of eating whatever I want and …

Don’t Make Me Throw a Penny at You

This story happened years and years ago, but it’s a goody. I was working in this tourist trap in Times Square in New York City where food was way overpriced …

It’s National Margarita Day!!

I have pulled myself out of my self-imposed break to alert you to an important fact: today is National Margarita Day, y’all. I know this because it is on Facebook, …

Frazzled But Happy Stay-At-Home Mom

Taking a break, so please don’t be bored to death by this tired piece of crap: Heavens to Betsy, I cannot believe how many weeks have passed by since I …