The Cunty, Entitled Grandma vs The Crazy, Irish Bitch (guest post)

pearl necklace

pearl necklace

Thank you to Erin for today’s guest post about a rude woman in pearls. Again, I did not choose the photo of Barbara Bush to represent this woman, Erin did. But if the shoe fits…  -BW

Picture this: Sicily, 1925.

No, go with a major city in the Northeast Corridor, 2012

Seated in my section were two women of a certain age – dressed to the nines. The restaurant where I’ve worked for the past two years is located in a very affluent part of the city and many of our guests have more money than they know what to do with. (We see dozens of those weighted black Amex cards a week) A few of the servers like to refer to guests such as these women as “The Ladies Who Lunch”. They can be absolutely wretched.

I approached the table and said hello with a smile. I took a drink order (Two iced teas) and returned to the table. Unfortunately (as it was a brunch shift and nothing is ever where the fuck it should be during brunch because there’s never enough coffee or, “that sugar in the brown packet”, or fat free creamer to satisfy the masses of impatient, demanding jerks that comprise a dining room full of brunch guests), there was no sugar to be found and I had to drop the iced teas off with a cheerful “I’ll be right back with the sugar”. I turned away from the table to hunt down a caddy.

Suddenly, there was a bony hand dripping with pearls clutching my wrist and a voice demanding that I “Wait a minute!” One of the women had a question. But it wasn’t a question for me, oh no, it was just imperative that I stand there at the table, wasting time, with the eyes of all the other impatient guests in my section boring into the back of my head. I knew there were coffee mugs down to their last drops and water glasses being emptied all around me as I waited with mock patience for this woman to ask her companion a series of questions regarding their order which could definitely have been addressed without me standing at the table neglecting my other guests.

I, again, tried to make my temporary escape and repeated “I’ll be right back with the sugar” for the second time, but now the woman had turned to speak to me directly. She placed the order for both women. When she had finished I said, “Thank you,” and, for the third time, “I’ll be right back the sugar”.

To which the woman replied,” I still need sugar”.

I had to laugh. I had to! I mean, I had mentioned my intent to return with it THREE TIMES already. Maybe the laugh was a little maniacal. I mean, brunch at a busy restaurant that does anywhere from 200-400 covers in 5 hours can be a shit show worse than Wal-Mart at midnight on Black Friday in the ghetto. And when someone is literally holding on to your wrist so that you are forced to stay at the table and waste precious seconds that could be devoted to other things – like refilling coffee at 6 other tables or dropping checks or running credit cards or WHATEVER else needs to happen immediately to stop you from losing your shit and never getting out of the weeds – when one person is selfish enough to keep you from getting these things done your laugh might exit your mouth with a little snark to it.

And I imagine that mine probably did.

At that exact moment I spied a discarded full-enough sugar caddy on the server station to my right and took a baby step to reach it with an extended arm. I had barely moved, however, when the woman LEPT out of her chair and, literally, screamed at me.

“NO!” she roared, “DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM”!?

Now, my immediate thought was “Damn! How’d that old bitch stand up so fast?” But my verbal reaction was feigned shock and an “Absolutely not ma’am, “I’m just grabbing your sugar”.

“Good!” she growled, glaring at me. “Get it then!” she snarled.

I placed the caddy on the table and ran directly to a manager to remark “I don’t think I should go back over there”, but the look on her face as she glanced past me over my shoulder told me this was far from over. “Here she comes, get out of here,” my manager whispered to me frantically.

I handed off the table to another server and was happy to part with the shitty tip I was bound to receive. But at the end of the shift I got an earful from management because the woman is a regular and she had been unhappy with her dining experience. In fact, the woman’s exact words to management had been “I don’t want that crazy Irish bitch waiting on me.” Of course, I tried to cry racism but the woman had apparently added the disclaimer “And I can say that because I’m Irish.” So I guess she gets away with that one.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m VERY proud of this story. I love that she called me a bitch and that I get to keep my job and she is no longer allowed to sit in my section. I just still can’t get over the sense of entitlement she had. She felt it was perfectly acceptable to jump out of her seat and yell at me as if she were my mother in front of an entire dining room full of guests and other FOH employees. It’s just incredible.

All in all, I know there’s a special place in hell waiting for that woman and her class of rich bitch friends. A hell where no one ever, ever, shows up with the sugar.


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  1. Joey B
  2. Gil
  3. Jan Patnode Jennings
  4. Let me clock out or I'll start stealing
  5. S
  6. Irene
  7. euphoric_mania
  8. Paul
    • Rachel
  9. Carl

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