I ♥ Veggies

I climbed into my bed of lettuce last night, wrapped myself in swaddling clothes made out of cabbage leaves and prepared to see how my last post about vegetarians fared with readers. What a freakin’ shit storm. This one really irked plenty of people and I was not expecting that at all. I mean, when I write about babies being annoying or old people getting on my nerves or a one eyed waitress, I expect some hatin’, but this one caught me off guard. The funny thing is, I don’t have a problem with vegetarians. I just can’t ever imagine being one myself because of my long term relationship with gravy. Some of my best friends are vegetarians. My niece is a vegetarian. And yes, I have even eaten at vegetarian restaurants. I have seen “Food Inc” as was recommenced to me many times and I do eat grass fed organic beef and free range organic chicken and organic eggs. I don’t think I wrote anything that was particularly mean about vegetarians, but I need to respond to a few comments that were a bit intense:

“How does the idea of breastmilk ice cream sound to you? conversely, why would you want to suck on a cows tittie for a drink? we are literally the only mammal to drink milk past infancy, let alone from another mammal.” We are also the only mammal that wears clothing but I don’t think we will all be running around naked anytime soon. And I am not going to give up ice cream but I don’t want the breastmilk kind. Titties scare me.

“If you want to be sheltered about where your food comes from, fine. but you shouldn’t make fun of people who are obviously more educated than you.” I make fun of all people and I am the first to admit that most people are more educated than I am. They just aren’t smarter.

“I expect better from you. first foreigners, now this? you should make your next rant about how niggers never tip you stupid fuck.” Wow, this bitch really went there? How did she go from a simple post about vegetarians to me being a racist? Fuck her.

“But the BIG POINT: Vegetarians are no fun.” I beg to differ. I never once insulted veggies. I am going out to dinner tonight with one and I expect to have a very fun time. She drinks. A lot.

“No longer a fan due to this post.” I simply cannot believe that this post was the one that broke that camel’s bitchy back. If you reread the post. I don’t think I ever was mean about anyone. All I said was it can be a little annoying when we have to accommodate our menu to serve their dietary needs. Get over it.

“Very offensive and not funny at all. and I’m NOT a veggie. disappointed in this, especially by all the idiot comments.” Reread my post. I was not offensive. It was the comments that took it to the next level. It’s not like I was talking about vegetables and referred to them as Terry Schiavo. Now that would have been offensive. But I didn’t do that.

“I agree with the idea that all living creatures have a place on this earth. sometimes that place is next to the mashed potatoes.” True. Enough said.

So let us put this issue behind us and live as one big happy family and share the love. By the way, vegans? Now they’re complete asswipes.


    • Jess
  1. A
  2. Dee

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